In the spirit of Malaysia's independence day on 31st of Aug, I thought I reflected on the coolest aspects of Malaysian life that may make us unique from the rest of the world. Some of tongue-in-cheek and some are serious but all very real. Let's see if you have any opinion.
This is not disputed. Food may not always be great but the variety would knock your socks off. We have all kinds of food, from ethnic tribes to fusion. You can find food anywhere and best of all, anytime. In the urban areas, you can wake up at 3am and still find food. It is very difficult to describe the true essence of our food. You just gotta see it for yourselves. In fact our food is SOOO good, the Singaporeans want to claim it for their own. So, so sad for them and great for us!!!
2. Personal choice
We can decide what we want to do. Don't want to follow the law, then don't. Park wherever you want, bribe whoever you want, stop a taxi wherever you want. Enforcement is low and "negotiable".
3. Self pride
Up until about 20 years ago, we were very dependent on foreigner talent and opinion. We always thought we were inferior to them but our PM gave us pride and we now speak louder, straighter and depend more on our own in the skilled work areas.
4. Melting pot
Just like in the 20s and 30s, we had an influx of labourers from China and India to work in the tin mines and rubber estates. They now form 2 of the 3 major races in Malaysia and are mainstays of our economy. Now we see the same with Indonesians, Nepalis, Bangladeshis who take on manual labour work and crime. Jalan Silang in Kota Raya is like Little Nepal.
5. Enforcement
For lighter crimes, we can "negotiate" with our officers. Bribe is such an ugly word. In some countries, when you offer "negotiable bonds", they prosecute you further. Here, officers will ask to "negotiate" and even if they threaten to take you in for "negotiating" you can "negotiate" that too.
6. Tourism
We have some of the most beautiful places to visit that will blow your mind off. Our culture is colourful and vibrant and visitors will have a great time deciding if you want to go back to nature or stay in the city. Even then, you can decide if you like the highlands or the sea. If you can't decide, do both! Best is, you can do this cheaply.
7. National Car
Most car companies survive by coming up with better cars, more efficiently. Better designs, better promotions and customer focus. Proton on the other hand depends on Government bailouts, design that hasn't changed since 1994, really crappy cars (check out the Proton Juara, go ahead, google it), levying heavy taxes on foreign cars so that they cost twice as much and really efficient production as much as the car breaks down the moment it leave the plant.
8. Mamak and Ramly burger stands
These are very visible icons of the Malaysian culture and life. Mamak actually refers to people of Indian descent and are Muslims. I think in Tamil it also means brother-in-law. However, these folks operate outlets that sell coffee, tea, roti canai, nasi lemak, maggi mee goreng, sup kambing and most importantly they are open 24 hours. The burger stand sells really creative combinations of burger and hot dog that will knock out McD's anytime at half the price and hygiene.
9. Real hospitality
Malaysians are generally very hospitable and polite folks. If you ask for help, 9 out of 10 folks will help you and hear you out. I was once on a bus and was short of 20 cents for my fare. The bus conductor who was a REAL ass (yes we have them too) wanted me to get down and walk the rest of the 5km. This girl sitting in front of me, turned back and gave the 20 cents. She didn't have to, no guilt, no eye contact but she did it, smiled at me and continued reading her book. People are generally nice and you can feel safe anywhere in the city without fear of getting lost or starved.
10. Our Government
Like most govt, ours is a good source of entertainment. They say the stupidest things and they do they most blatant of stupid, stuff of imbeciles. Like letting key opposition witness fall off their office building after being interrogated and then showing apathy and seen covering up evidence. Framing opposition leaders for sodomy, of all things. Allowing corrupt leaders back into the govt like convicted former chief ministers of Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. Blowing up alleged key politician's mistresses when a simple bullet to the head would suffice. Electing community leader who are caught on tape committing adultery in a hotel some wrinkled up porno star. Say they want to improve our public school system but send these same politicians then go ahead and send their own kids to private schools. Etc, etc. What a bundle of laughs!!!
All the same, which country doesn't have their own idiosyncrasies. It is a great place to visit and there is always something to do. So come on down and enjoy our food, our culture, our tourist spots, our broken down cars and our funny government. Happy 53 years old Malaysia!!
It is to reflect what a "Malay-looking, Chinese-speaking but actually an Indian" thinks about general stuff! Of course it may not always be popular but I hope it will enrich you as how my experiences and people whom I have encountered along the way have enriched me.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Hungry Ghosts - huh???
This month is the Chinese 7th month where the Chinese believe that the gates of hell are thrown open and the spirits are allowed to roam the earth. Many Chinese Taoist will perform rituals to absolve the spirits of their sufferings. I am not sure how they do it and what is it about. Now, I for one, is not someone who disses anyone's religions or beliefs or creed. What you believe and you do is up to, as long you don't hurt anyone or doing anything illegal. I mean if you wanna put on a goat head and dance around butt-naked while chanting "Ice Ice Baby" is really up to you. If you wanna put on a white bed sheet and a pointy hat and burn crosses, hey, whatever makes you happy but you gotta stop when it involves something immoral, illegal or just down right nasty!!
But this hungry ghost, just got me thinking. First up, why the heck would the guardian of hell, which in this case is the baddest dude ever, Satan, allow the spirits to leave hell?? I mean is it a punishment, or he just wanted a day off to kick his shoes off and watch a game on TV? He (we are assuming Satan is a "HE", though after looking at the female gender of the human race, I am inclining towards "SHE") would have one hell of time trying to get them back in, wouldn't it? All those overtimes he has to pay for his demons to round them spirits back in.
Then the Chinese folks will go ahead and put out food for these ghosts who have not been able to have a full stomach when they died. I think not having a full stomach when they died, is the least of their problems now. I mean you are in hell and EVERY religion agrees that ain't no theme park. We all agree, that there is MAJOR suffering and pain and gnashing of teeth here.
Ok, so we put food out so that they can "eat". That's another thing that gets me. How the heck are they going to eat??? They are invisible, no organs anymore, just vapours....kind of. How are they going to take up solid food, chew, digest and err....discharge? Point is they can't. So when we put the food out, isn't it like taunting them? cannot eat it, coz you are dead!
Isn't that just cruel? Hey, maybe it's part of the punishment for being in hell!! People I have spoken to, said that after the prayers and the burning of the joss stick, the ghost "feed" by taking the smell of the food. That is even more sad then being dead. So after the smell is taken, is the food edible?
Anyway, I thought I share my massive dilemma with you as a Chindian and a Catholic. I am very into religion and I respect everyone's beliefs. I mean, people are going to ask why the heck am I kneeling in front of this gruesome torture and killing object with a bloody man hanging on it? Are we some sadist??
But I just couldn't get my head around this hungry ghost thing. I was also told that you can send the spirits, worldly things by burning papier mache type representation of the objects you wanna send. So for the modern world, you can burn cars, iPods (though I am not sure if it would help since there isn't iTunes in hell and legal music), maids, houses, DVD, TV, etc. Again, how does it get to them? Is the postal service that efficient? Things are getting more outrageous as I was told by my friend that a medium (that's right, someone who makes contact with the dead) told him his grandfather is not happy as there is no petrol in hell and his car can't move!!!!
So he "burnt" a can of petrol for "him". Isn't petrol combustible??? So do we now have to send a petrol kiosk down? I am lost!! Anyway, this is one of the colourful aspects of the multi culture of Malaysia. Just leave the food outside your gate so that "they" don't come into your house!!!
But this hungry ghost, just got me thinking. First up, why the heck would the guardian of hell, which in this case is the baddest dude ever, Satan, allow the spirits to leave hell?? I mean is it a punishment, or he just wanted a day off to kick his shoes off and watch a game on TV? He (we are assuming Satan is a "HE", though after looking at the female gender of the human race, I am inclining towards "SHE") would have one hell of time trying to get them back in, wouldn't it? All those overtimes he has to pay for his demons to round them spirits back in.
Then the Chinese folks will go ahead and put out food for these ghosts who have not been able to have a full stomach when they died. I think not having a full stomach when they died, is the least of their problems now. I mean you are in hell and EVERY religion agrees that ain't no theme park. We all agree, that there is MAJOR suffering and pain and gnashing of teeth here.
Ok, so we put food out so that they can "eat". That's another thing that gets me. How the heck are they going to eat??? They are invisible, no organs anymore, just vapours....kind of. How are they going to take up solid food, chew, digest and err....discharge? Point is they can't. So when we put the food out, isn't it like taunting them? cannot eat it, coz you are dead!
Isn't that just cruel? Hey, maybe it's part of the punishment for being in hell!! People I have spoken to, said that after the prayers and the burning of the joss stick, the ghost "feed" by taking the smell of the food. That is even more sad then being dead. So after the smell is taken, is the food edible?
Anyway, I thought I share my massive dilemma with you as a Chindian and a Catholic. I am very into religion and I respect everyone's beliefs. I mean, people are going to ask why the heck am I kneeling in front of this gruesome torture and killing object with a bloody man hanging on it? Are we some sadist??
But I just couldn't get my head around this hungry ghost thing. I was also told that you can send the spirits, worldly things by burning papier mache type representation of the objects you wanna send. So for the modern world, you can burn cars, iPods (though I am not sure if it would help since there isn't iTunes in hell and legal music), maids, houses, DVD, TV, etc. Again, how does it get to them? Is the postal service that efficient? Things are getting more outrageous as I was told by my friend that a medium (that's right, someone who makes contact with the dead) told him his grandfather is not happy as there is no petrol in hell and his car can't move!!!!
So he "burnt" a can of petrol for "him". Isn't petrol combustible??? So do we now have to send a petrol kiosk down? I am lost!! Anyway, this is one of the colourful aspects of the multi culture of Malaysia. Just leave the food outside your gate so that "they" don't come into your house!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Different Words for same meaning - Others!
aerial antenna
aluminium aluminum
antenatal prenatal
anticlockwise counterclockwise
autumn fall
("autumn" is used,but only in formal
or poetic language)
baggage reclaim baggage claim
bicentenary bicentennial
bill check (restaurant)
bin liner trash bag
bookings reservations
(verb - to book) (verb - to reserve as in restaurant, hotel)
botanic garden botanical garden
braces suspenders
cashback (noun) rebate, cash back
charity non-profit organization
cheap inexpensive
(not necessarily in a negative light)
chemists pharmacy, drug store
cinema movie theater, theater
"clued up" "clued in"
coach bus
coach (railway) car (railroad)
"come to that" "for that matter"
cot crib (for a baby)
cuttings clippings (as in news clippings)
despatch shipping (as in shipping department)
DIY do it yourself
dodgy tricky, chancy
downmarket downscale
dummy pacifier
dustbin trash can
engaged busy
(as in telephone)
fee (for schooling) tuition
fit (verb) equip, fit out
fittings fixtures
fix (verb - as in set
"fix a date")
flat apartment
football soccer
freephone toll-free
freepost business reply mail
(no stamp needed)
frock dress (noun)
full stop (punctuation) period
gents men's room
headmaster principal
hide (noun) blind
(noun - as in duck blind)
hire (hire a car) rent (rent a car)
hob stove, stovetop
holiday vacation
homely homey (pleasant)
(In the U.S., "homely" describes a person as
plain or unattractive or a good friend in black
hoover (noun and verb) vacuum (noun and verb)
vacuum cleaner (noun)
ill sick
"in future" "from now on"
in hospital in the hospital
"join the train" "get on the train"
jumper sweater
licence license (noun)
license license (verb)
lie in sleep in
lift elevator
laundrette laundromat
lorry truck
marquee tent
maths math
mobile (phone) cell (phone)
momentarily for a short time
(but not "in a second")
mum mom
nappies diapers
nil nothing, zero
note bill (currency)
on stream on line
open day open house
pitch (for playing field
polo neck, roll neck turtle neck
post mail
pram stroller
queue line
(noun as in "bus queue"
verb as in "queue up")
railway railroad
(verb - "read a study
subject in college")
redundancy (verb - to layoff (verb - to lay off)
remove as in removal moving
return round trip
(as in round trip ticket)
reverse charge call collect call
rise (noun - in salary) raise
rubber eraser
(in U.S., rubber is
slang for condom)
rucksack backpack
sack (verb - from fire
secateurs pruners or clippers
shoddy cheap
shopping trolley shopping cart
sport sports
solicitor lawyer
"sorry" "excuse me", "pardon me"
spanner wrench (noun)
stand (for election) run (for election)
starters appetizers
suspenders garter
swear word curse word
subway underpass
tap faucet
tariffs rates, prices
tarmac asphalt
(tarmac is used in U.S.
only in airport context)
tea towel dish towel
dish cloth
telephone box telephone booth
tender (noun or verb) bid
(as in bid for a building
to let for rent
to trade (as in "a by trade
toilet restroom
torch flashlight
trainers sneakers
treble triple
transport (noun) transportation
trousers pants
trolley cart
tube subway
tucked up (as in "The tucked in
baby was tucked up
for the night.")
underground subway
upmarket upscale
valve vacuum tube
vest undershirt
walking frame walker (device to assist
the elderly)
washing up doing the dishes
waistcoat vest
aerial antenna
aluminium aluminum
antenatal prenatal
anticlockwise counterclockwise
autumn fall
("autumn" is used,but only in formal
or poetic language)
baggage reclaim baggage claim
bicentenary bicentennial
bill check (restaurant)
bin liner trash bag
bookings reservations
(verb - to book) (verb - to reserve as in restaurant, hotel)
botanic garden botanical garden
braces suspenders
cashback (noun) rebate, cash back
charity non-profit organization
cheap inexpensive
(not necessarily in a negative light)
chemists pharmacy, drug store
cinema movie theater, theater
"clued up" "clued in"
coach bus
coach (railway) car (railroad)
"come to that" "for that matter"
cot crib (for a baby)
cuttings clippings (as in news clippings)
despatch shipping (as in shipping department)
DIY do it yourself
dodgy tricky, chancy
downmarket downscale
dummy pacifier
dustbin trash can
engaged busy
(as in telephone)
fee (for schooling) tuition
fit (verb) equip, fit out
fittings fixtures
fix (verb - as in set
"fix a date")
flat apartment
football soccer
freephone toll-free
freepost business reply mail
(no stamp needed)
frock dress (noun)
full stop (punctuation) period
gents men's room
headmaster principal
hide (noun) blind
(noun - as in duck blind)
hire (hire a car) rent (rent a car)
hob stove, stovetop
holiday vacation
homely homey (pleasant)
(In the U.S., "homely" describes a person as
plain or unattractive or a good friend in black
hoover (noun and verb) vacuum (noun and verb)
vacuum cleaner (noun)
ill sick
"in future" "from now on"
in hospital in the hospital
"join the train" "get on the train"
jumper sweater
licence license (noun)
license license (verb)
lie in sleep in
lift elevator
laundrette laundromat
lorry truck
marquee tent
maths math
mobile (phone) cell (phone)
momentarily for a short time
(but not "in a second")
mum mom
nappies diapers
nil nothing, zero
note bill (currency)
on stream on line
open day open house
pitch (for playing field
polo neck, roll neck turtle neck
post mail
pram stroller
queue line
(noun as in "bus queue"
verb as in "queue up")
railway railroad
(verb - "read a study
subject in college")
redundancy (verb - to layoff (verb - to lay off)
remove as in removal moving
return round trip
(as in round trip ticket)
reverse charge call collect call
rise (noun - in salary) raise
rubber eraser
(in U.S., rubber is
slang for condom)
rucksack backpack
sack (verb - from fire
secateurs pruners or clippers
shoddy cheap
shopping trolley shopping cart
sport sports
solicitor lawyer
"sorry" "excuse me", "pardon me"
spanner wrench (noun)
stand (for election) run (for election)
starters appetizers
suspenders garter
swear word curse word
subway underpass
tap faucet
tariffs rates, prices
tarmac asphalt
(tarmac is used in U.S.
only in airport context)
tea towel dish towel
dish cloth
telephone box telephone booth
tender (noun or verb) bid
(as in bid for a building
to let for rent
to trade (as in "a by trade
toilet restroom
torch flashlight
trainers sneakers
treble triple
transport (noun) transportation
trousers pants
trolley cart
tube subway
tucked up (as in "The tucked in
baby was tucked up
for the night.")
underground subway
upmarket upscale
valve vacuum tube
vest undershirt
walking frame walker (device to assist
the elderly)
washing up doing the dishes
waistcoat vest
Different Words for same meaning - Food
aubergine eggplant
biscuit cookie
candy floss cotton candy
chips french fries
conserves preserves
cornflour cornstarch
courgettes zucchini
zucchini squash
crisps potato chips
fish fingers fish sticks
jacket potato baked potato
jam jelly
jelly jello
mince ground meat
porridge oatmeal
pudding dessert
rocket arugula
sweet dessert
tinned canned
aubergine eggplant
biscuit cookie
candy floss cotton candy
chips french fries
conserves preserves
cornflour cornstarch
courgettes zucchini
zucchini squash
crisps potato chips
fish fingers fish sticks
jacket potato baked potato
jam jelly
jelly jello
mince ground meat
porridge oatmeal
pudding dessert
rocket arugula
sweet dessert
tinned canned
American and British English - why is it different???
As a Chindian, I don't know why it's different. Just that it is bloody inconvenient as the British would say or damn pain as the Americans would. I was reminded of a joke where an American and an Englishman got into an argument over the word "Windshield" - American and "Windscreen" - British.
The American got all pompous and said "It is called Windshield because we invented the car!"
The Englishman just looked calmly at him and said "Well, old bugger, we invented the language".
I started to realise that there are TONS of words that are used and spelled differently. So to see what other car words are different, I looked up the Internet and found this. Enjoy!
Part 1
UK-US - Cars and Driving:
aerial antenna
("aerial" used regionally in the past but has
faded from use)
bonnet hood
boot trunk
car park parking lot
car silencer muffler
cats eyes reflectors (embedded in road)
central reservation median
clock odometer
demister defroster
diversion detour
drink-driving drunk driving
driving licence driver's license
dual carriageway divided highway
dumper truck dump truck
flat battery dead battery
flyover overpass
fourway crossroads
full lights high beams
gear box transmission
gear lever gear shift
hire car rental car
indicators turn signals
lights dipped low beams
motorway freeway (Western U.S.)
expressway (Eastern U.S.)
Interstate See Notes
orbital beltway (Eastern U.S.)
petrol gasoline
propeller shaft drive shaft
recovery towing
roundabout circle
rotary (New England)
straight straightaway (as at a race track)
top up fill up
top off See Notes
transmission power train
turning left left turn
turning right right turn
tyre tire
unmade road dirt road, unpaved road
windscreen windshield
window heater defroster
wing fender
zebra crossing crosswalk
The American got all pompous and said "It is called Windshield because we invented the car!"
The Englishman just looked calmly at him and said "Well, old bugger, we invented the language".
I started to realise that there are TONS of words that are used and spelled differently. So to see what other car words are different, I looked up the Internet and found this. Enjoy!
Part 1
UK-US - Cars and Driving:
aerial antenna
("aerial" used regionally in the past but has
faded from use)
bonnet hood
boot trunk
car park parking lot
car silencer muffler
cats eyes reflectors (embedded in road)
central reservation median
clock odometer
demister defroster
diversion detour
drink-driving drunk driving
driving licence driver's license
dual carriageway divided highway
dumper truck dump truck
flat battery dead battery
flyover overpass
fourway crossroads
full lights high beams
gear box transmission
gear lever gear shift
hire car rental car
indicators turn signals
lights dipped low beams
motorway freeway (Western U.S.)
expressway (Eastern U.S.)
Interstate See Notes
orbital beltway (Eastern U.S.)
petrol gasoline
propeller shaft drive shaft
recovery towing
roundabout circle
rotary (New England)
straight straightaway (as at a race track)
top up fill up
top off See Notes
transmission power train
turning left left turn
turning right right turn
tyre tire
unmade road dirt road, unpaved road
windscreen windshield
window heater defroster
wing fender
zebra crossing crosswalk
Man's curse!!
Man has 2 curses and us Chindians are very the norm when it comes to this. And I don't mean the swear words. That we have few hundreds from multiple languages...sometimes even from not heard of. Man's curse is women (don't tell me this surprised you!!!) and sports. I wrote about this a little bit sometime back so here is a refresher.
The reason why this came to my mind was because of the recently concluded world's more popular and watched event. I don't mean American Idol!! I mean the most spectacular sporting event in the world (No, not "Dancing with the Stars" either). I am talking about the FIFA World Cup. That is the Football World Cup. Now this is really "Football" and really the "World Cup", unlike what the Americans think.
Soccer was actually the abbreviation of the Football Association (assoc). So the Americans wanting to be different from the English used this word to greater effect and decided that they cannot change to follow the world. Look at the 2 games, football as the rest of the planet knows it and the American Football where as the name suggest only the Americans know it. Which games reflects more accurately on the word "football"???
Another things is, look at the American games, Basketball, American Football, Baseball, Ice Hockey. Their annual final games are always called World Series and the champions are World Champions! How many countries participate in the NBA or NFL or MLB finals? All of 1!! And they are "World" champions! Talk about being insecure and over compensating!!
Anyway, I digress.
The FIFA World Cup happens once in 4 years and reported to be even more lucrative and watched sporting event that the Olympics! I love the World Cup! I started watching when I was 12 in 1982 when it was held in Spain and a very lucky Italy won it enroute beating my favourite team Brazil. This year, Brazil lost again, this time to the Dutch and it was won by traditional under-achievers Spain.
As usual I was rooting for Brazil, 5-time winners. My next favourite team was Germany. Both came so close. I watched most of the matches and very luckily with my good friends. My childhood friends got together after 4 years to root for our teams. When our teams lost, we feel this heavy sinking feeling that drags us to the bottom of depressing abyss that no female would understand. When they won, feelings of utter joy erupts like volcano of ecstasy, with the lava of happiness flowing into the sea of tranquility. (I am a professional blogger. Don't try this at home).
Women will never understand and when we go out watching the game which comes once in 4-years, we see them rolling their eyes into the next state (something the do very well and if the Olympics had an eye-rolling event, guys will be decimated....except maybe some gay men) and giving you the guilt trip.
When we come back sad, they will chastise us, saying insensitive things like, "So what?", "Who cares?", "Your son is down with the measles", or "We have run out of food!". Trivial things like that.
When we are home happy our team has won, more snipes like "You know they don't know you!", "I don't see you that happy when I am telling about our son's measles breaking".
So for this World Cup, I got our HD Cable version and got my friends to come over to watch at my house. That actually worked as Melissa bought snacks for us, junk food, carbonated drinks, ice while some of us got beer. So, it was all-in-all a very enjoyable 1 month footballing feast. I was happy France, Portugal and Italy got knocked out early. A bit disappointed Korea didn't progress further. Sad that Brazil and Germany lost and really bored with the final game where current European Champions Spain beat Holland 1-0 to be World Champions 2010.
I didn't bet this time simply because I was growing up and I was decided to leave it to the octopus. This time around, we had a crustacean celebrity in the form on an oracle octopus. Paul the octopus was able to correctly predict the winners of 10 consecutive games (or something like that). I wonder if he could predict what my wife would have said if I proposed that we go watch the next World Cup match in Brazil. If we can't get tickets, we can just say at the beaches of Rio. I don't care how far those eyes roll!!!
The reason why this came to my mind was because of the recently concluded world's more popular and watched event. I don't mean American Idol!! I mean the most spectacular sporting event in the world (No, not "Dancing with the Stars" either). I am talking about the FIFA World Cup. That is the Football World Cup. Now this is really "Football" and really the "World Cup", unlike what the Americans think.
Soccer was actually the abbreviation of the Football Association (assoc). So the Americans wanting to be different from the English used this word to greater effect and decided that they cannot change to follow the world. Look at the 2 games, football as the rest of the planet knows it and the American Football where as the name suggest only the Americans know it. Which games reflects more accurately on the word "football"???
Another things is, look at the American games, Basketball, American Football, Baseball, Ice Hockey. Their annual final games are always called World Series and the champions are World Champions! How many countries participate in the NBA or NFL or MLB finals? All of 1!! And they are "World" champions! Talk about being insecure and over compensating!!
Anyway, I digress.
The FIFA World Cup happens once in 4 years and reported to be even more lucrative and watched sporting event that the Olympics! I love the World Cup! I started watching when I was 12 in 1982 when it was held in Spain and a very lucky Italy won it enroute beating my favourite team Brazil. This year, Brazil lost again, this time to the Dutch and it was won by traditional under-achievers Spain.
As usual I was rooting for Brazil, 5-time winners. My next favourite team was Germany. Both came so close. I watched most of the matches and very luckily with my good friends. My childhood friends got together after 4 years to root for our teams. When our teams lost, we feel this heavy sinking feeling that drags us to the bottom of depressing abyss that no female would understand. When they won, feelings of utter joy erupts like volcano of ecstasy, with the lava of happiness flowing into the sea of tranquility. (I am a professional blogger. Don't try this at home).
Women will never understand and when we go out watching the game which comes once in 4-years, we see them rolling their eyes into the next state (something the do very well and if the Olympics had an eye-rolling event, guys will be decimated....except maybe some gay men) and giving you the guilt trip.
When we come back sad, they will chastise us, saying insensitive things like, "So what?", "Who cares?", "Your son is down with the measles", or "We have run out of food!". Trivial things like that.
When we are home happy our team has won, more snipes like "You know they don't know you!", "I don't see you that happy when I am telling about our son's measles breaking".
So for this World Cup, I got our HD Cable version and got my friends to come over to watch at my house. That actually worked as Melissa bought snacks for us, junk food, carbonated drinks, ice while some of us got beer. So, it was all-in-all a very enjoyable 1 month footballing feast. I was happy France, Portugal and Italy got knocked out early. A bit disappointed Korea didn't progress further. Sad that Brazil and Germany lost and really bored with the final game where current European Champions Spain beat Holland 1-0 to be World Champions 2010.
I didn't bet this time simply because I was growing up and I was decided to leave it to the octopus. This time around, we had a crustacean celebrity in the form on an oracle octopus. Paul the octopus was able to correctly predict the winners of 10 consecutive games (or something like that). I wonder if he could predict what my wife would have said if I proposed that we go watch the next World Cup match in Brazil. If we can't get tickets, we can just say at the beaches of Rio. I don't care how far those eyes roll!!!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sorcerer's Apprentice - No learning needed in making this movie

It was time for another movie review. We were trying to view "Inception" but kids were not allowed and it has been awhile since we went out without the kids especially the movies. So we are kinda keeping that on hold. Though I have been watching a lot of older movies that has been downloaded on my media center.
As with most Disney movies which is either inspired by their rides or their old cartoons. This movie in my humble opinion was inspired by the "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" cartoon staring Mickey Mouse. It's the cartoon where Mickey steals into the sorcerer's spell book and conjures a spell that brings all the brooms, mops and pails to life and they start cleaning the castle or dungeon or spell room??
So this movie which has absolutely nothing to do with the cartoon save for this scene, has a slightly more sinister storyline. The evil-witch-trapped-in-a-box-and-needs-to-get-out-to-create-havoc-on-the-world-and-destroying-life-as-we-know-it plot. OF course there is a good love story in it as well to spice things up. We are romantics, what can we say.
It is about Merlin (yes that mythical sorcerer from King Arthur's time) who entrusts his secrets to 3 apprentices. Balthazar, Horvath and Veronica. The secret needs to be kept away from Merlin's worst enemy, Morgana Le Fey, (another character from the King Arthur folklore). Horvath betrayed them but he, Veronica and Morgana were trapped. The only person who can destroy Morgana is the Prime Merlinian. So it is up to Balthazar to search for him/her. So our story goes....
Anyway, the lead character is the nasal voiced Jay Baruchel, which of course is the reluctant Prime Merlinian. You may remember him from "Tropic Thunder" if you weren't too busy looking at Robert Downey Jr. However, for me he was a huge hit in "How to Train Your Dragon" as the voice of the lead character, Hiccup. He doesn't disappoint here either. He is the least action hero you would expect and really looks more like a nerd that gets beaten up constantly and getting his head stuffed in the toilet by bullies.
Here he plays the reluctant hero that is nerdy, traumatized and unappreciated and he so looks the part. Jay is funny and delivers his lines on cue to make the situation even more comical.
The next interesting actor is Alfred Molina, the Dr. Octopus guy. He plays the villain Horvath. All round bad guy who wants to profit from the world destruction thing. Alfred played his part to the tee. He is bad when he wants to be. though I have seen him mostly as the bad guy. He has his moments like in Prince of Persia and Pink Panther 2.
Nicholas Cage was a tad disappointing and didn't really carry his character of Balthazar too well. Personally I would have preferred Ryan Reynolds but then the threesome with Alfred and Monica Belluci would be lopsided. Monica showed up for all 15mins of the movie. She probably had 2 lines and had to cry and kiss Nicholas Cage. Other than that, her character provided a little love interest but I think this was like a part-time job for someone like Monica (she and I are on a first name basis).
There was a love interest for Jay's character Dave and she wasn't too bad. I did like the part where the mops, brooms and pails came to life. That was pretty cool and Jay's character shows that the brainy guys can get the girl (as if you didn't know that was how it was going to end!!!).
A pretty decent fare all round. Not too shabby but not the kick-you-in-the-crotch-must-see fare. I give it a 2 1/2 Chindian thumb up. So go learn, be brainy. Girls dig that too.

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