True to our family trend, we got there around 9.30 and met Kwein CC who graciously spent the whole day with us and 7 kids. Now that is no mean feat ok? We had kids with all kinds of characteristics and they can drive a nun to bottle. The disappointment was that some of the rides were either closed or not open yet. Battlestar Galactica's roller coaster ride was closed for repairs because one of the seat flew off! The official reason was that the car was not to their specifications. I want to say something smart here but it would be too easy. There is a boat ride at the Madagascar section but that was not opened yet.
On top of that, the afternoon heat was at least 40 degrees. We were swimming in our own salty sweat in the sweltering heat. There were many characters in costumes who came out to parade, dance and provide photo opps. I felt so much gratitude and admiration to these guys/gals who continued playing their part professionally in being cooked in their furry costumes at 40 degrees. Imagine Alex the Lion in an oven. That guy must have lost at least 10 lbs that day.
Princess Fiona though decided to buck the trend and she came out as sour a puss as you can find. She was so pissed, I mistook her for the evil witch in Snow White. She couldn't crack any smile and looked to upset, I almost asked her if she is having a stroke!!
Ancient Egypt was a lot of fun and scary. There was a Lights, Camera, Action show which showed us how special effects were used in creating a hurricane scene in New York. That was SUPER Cool!!! At least I liked it. There were other shows like Monster Rock (miss it if you can) and Shrek 4D. That's not too bad.
Lost World were also good rides. One is a canopy thingy ride where you are "hung" on the seat with your feet dangling 20 meters above the ground. The merchandises were not too bad but Universal Studio price, so go easy. Just outside of the entrance, there is a huge Hershey shop with the best popcorn sold next door. I was so mesmerised by the popcorn that I didn't notice the name of the shop. Their popcorn was so rich and aromatic. It was great....and expensive. Even the stale popcorn were still good.
Needless to say the food really sucked but it was not as pricey and since we had no choice, cannot complain then lor. Now can complain. We were, however, treated to a sumptuous dinner at the prestigious China Club where "Yau Chin Tou Mm Yap Tak". Got money also cannot enter.
I had a great time with my family and cousins as we usually do. If you are looking forward to visiting anytime soon, I would suggest checking the website to ensure all the rides are ready. You will have more fun that way and getting your money's worth...hey, I am Chindian.
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