Monday, April 30, 2012

BERSIH 3.0 - Saving our country or destroying it?

We had another BERSIH movement and as expected, it turned ugly. For those of you who thought this was going to be a peaceful, simple gathering to show the government that we are not to be taken lightly....what simpletons you are. There are 2 sides to this message. I personally think BERSIH is a great idea! But I am very concerned that BERSIH is being taken advantage of.

Don't get me wrong. I am not against BERSIH and it's call for a clean and fair election. I am all for it. I am just concerned that the cause and the supporters are being used for the means and objectives of the few. BERSIH was ABSOLUTELY necessary. I for one am sick and tired of the arrogance in our government and how they feel they don't need to be accountable to the people and that they can be blatant in their mishandling of our country's funds. I laud the many who braved the elements and of course the violence, to stand up for our rights as citizens of Malaysia.

I have a few comments for those involved.

1. To the Government, namely the PM, DPM, Home Minister, MCA chief, MIC Chief (I don't even know who the heck is it), CM of Pahang, CM of Sarawak, the newspaper editors and (but not limited to) the IGP

I am sick of how naive you think we are. I am so livid that you insult our intelligence by controlling the media to say things like "Our education is the best", "Only 1% of our police is corrupt", "Our police were professional and restraint", "Non-Malays are immigrants", "Lynas is safe and we will dispose the waste in Sg Lembing". "I was only joking when I said Sg Lembing", "I am the first lady", "I am not involved in teh NFC","BERSIH is illegal", "BERSIH is not illegal" and the list goes on and on.

In an election year!!! Who the heck is your PR manager?

For goodness sake, no one believes the damn newspapers anymore. You can show as many pics that you want depicting exactly what you want to propogate. We are in the digital age now, you miscreants!!! If you use the internet once in a while instead of for porn, you will see how your lies are being exposed. If you spent half the time working on our country's issues instead of making away with millions, you would not only ensure success, you may actual reap benefits legally! No need for C4 and MACC.

You work for the people regardless of race. Though I must say, your divide and conquer tactic is working very well as you sow fear into the Malays by spreading lies that we want an end to their privileges or that we want to attack Islam and do away with it. Sadly, many Malays believe it and you have successfully sowed this hatred to distract them from your dirty laundry. Stuffing a few hundred ringgit here and there has helped you solidify your rotten soul into theirs as they sell out our country and our future. I assure you, there is only so much cheating and discord you can sow. You can't cheat all the people all of the time.

Please, please, please....clean up your acts. Read your history. No good comes from tyranny, oppression and corruption. Remember Suharto and Marcos? Keep it up and you will end up like them.

To the Opposition

Please remember why you are doing this. You sold us the dream that Malaysia needs a change and that you will provide it. I am very concerned that our opposition leader is the same person whom in his youth is known to like violent protests. He is a person who believes that a show a force, chaos and violence will achieve his aim. This person, when he was in ABIM was constantly talking about protesting, rallying, showing violence to meet his means.

And this person recently has stated in his own admission that he thinks the people of Egypt and Syria are doing the right thing and that we should use that as our examples. This person is of course Anwar Ibrahim. For those of you blindly following him, please don't forget he was from UMNO too and so are the majority of PKR people. They lost out politically and now they are resorting to taking over the govt to make their means. BERSIH didn't come from Pakatan. It was from Ambiga and I pray that they are not using this sentiment just to be in power.

The people are evolving and we are a lot more savvy and vocal now. We so need a change that we are willing to take a chance of the opposition who are made up of the strangest bedfellows. PKR, DAP and PAS???? Truly not a very sound formula but we are willing to take that chance. So don't blow this. Make it worthwhile and if you ensure our prosperity and fairness, you will prosper as well. Look at high income countries like SG, Australia, Scandinavian countries, etc.

Fellow Malaysians
To my fellow Malaysians, I would ask you to also to fair in your judgement. Let's not stoop down to the level of those corrupt in the government. We have to be responsible and ensure we have the right facts. Don't spread rumours, photo-shopped pics, wrong info, misguided facts that are used to twist us. That only gives the government more ammunition. Be truthful, fair and responsible. Also please be safe. Instigating the police was a bad idea. It always is.

God Bless you and all of us. See you at the elections.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The end of my 2nd childhood

Many things in our childhood stay with us forever....for some reason. They manage to etched themselves in our memories due to situation, circumstances, etc. Things like your first love, a particular bad fall, your first job, or the time when you pulled your zipper too fast and got your foreskin caught in your zipper and your dad had to slap your thigh while he pulled the zipper so that the pain in the thigh will distract you from the pain of the zipper.

You know.....things like that.

Some of us would argue that our childhood ends when we hit 15-18 but I gotta tell you that I am still clinging on to my childhood so that I don't totally grow up or outgrow my childhood memories. But back in 2001, I went to see a movie that firmly started my 2nd childhood. That movie was called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

I had heard something in the news about these sets of children books and about how it contradicted with religious values. I didn't pay much attention as it was children books.

Then came the movie.

The sight of this skinny, short, shy, tormented, unloved and under valued boy in round rim glasses, just tugged at my heart strings. The story of how he had lost his parents and how abused he was then, displayed a whole new magical world that didn't seem improbably at all. You absolutely could see Diagon Alley and Hogwarts in real life. Right??? This new magical world brought back many childhood fantasies involving me having magical powers and saving the world and impressing my first crush. Who among us have not fantasized about having magical powers, raise your hands? I thought so.

Immediately after the movie, I bought the first 4 books and spent every night reading this marvellous adventure Harry and friends were on. I couldn't put it down and it just took me deeper into my imagination as I fantasized about being one of their friends, being an 11 year old, protecting Harry, playing Quidditch with him and kicking Draco's ass. How deliciously evil was Lucius Malfoy? I waited impatiently for the 5th book and every book after that. I talked relentlessly about it with my cousins and fellow admirers. I absolutely fell in love with this magical world.

While I would argue that the quality of each movie after that kinda deteriorated, the magic did not. I cried when Sirius died, when Dobby died, I cried when he first saw his parents at the mirror of Erised. The last scene when so many loved ones died. Felt warm when he realized how he belonged to Hogwarts and cheered when the tormented, unloved boy, became a hero in his first Quidditch match.

My favourite character was of course Harry. Ron provided some comic relief with his "Bloody Hell" and his scared version of "Harry...." when spiders appeared. But Hermione also got my attention. She is the only full Muggle to be called to Hogwarts, after Harry's mom, as far as the characters go. Snape in the end was also very noble, brave and loyal to his love. Though I know it's just a character, I also felt that Snape was very petty, giving in to his petty jealousy of James Potter by treating Harry very badly. Dumbledore frustrated me as he could have told Harry everything and thus protected him more....silly old geezer. I am also very reassured by the calm and coldness of Professor McGonagal.

So when Deathly Hallows finally came out, it presented with a dilemma to me. While I wanted to know how it ends, I also didn't want it to end. At the movie, I was quietly willing it to last as long as it could. When I walked out of the cinema, I couldn't help feeling a certain emptiness, like you have lost a best friend. A best friend that kept you company for the last 10 years, drawing out every emotion and whisking it together so that you have a combination of feelings, emotions and mind boggling, synapses inducing creatures in a world that appeals to the child and adult in everyone alike.

The 3 main cast played their parts to perfection. JK Rowling, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and all the other cast, there are not enough superlatives to express my feelings and gratitude. So I will just say Thanks, May the Force Be With You and Live Long and Prosper.

Thanks for my 2nd childhood. EXPELLIARMUS!!