Monday, August 25, 2008

Fear Factor every freakin' Chinese New Year

CNY brings the best joys in terms of ambience as most of my closest family members celebrate it. I enjoy Xmas very much as well but that enjoyment is more for its meaning, family unity and the joy of putting up and taking down the Xmas tree. So enjoyable you want to just walk over to the neighbour's house to kick the cat. But you know what I mean.
Xmas gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling in you and you can spend time just with your loved ones in a quiet confine with the carols softly playing over the sound system, while sipping wine or chocolate. But while CNY makes me more broke than any other festival, it just has that get up feeling that makes you wanna jump up and go under the lion and dance like you have ants in your pants.......just dont see the ang pows going out. That's why i don't give out any pows. HINT! HINT!

Anyway as tradition dictates, we will go to one of my uncle's house for the traditional CNY dinner on the eve of CNY. Those of you barbarians who just came back pillaging and burping in every direction wantonly, it is a Chinese tradition for the family to get together for dinner on the eve. It's a time for reconciliation and making peace and all dat bull-shit! Being in a chinese family, you know that doesnt happen. It's just a time to gossip, re-kindle your homicidal feeling towards those you have been dying to kill. It's not always like dat as you will have family you truly love but also those you want to bury.

Well, for me, we go to one of my uncle's house for dinner and peace making. If you ask which side of my family this uncle is from, you really need very strong shock theraphy and I would recommend a dose of rat poison to go with it. I don't dread the meeting once a year to make small talk with people I have absolutely nothing in common with. I absolutely adore my Chinese side of the family and this uncle who is hosting our dinner really has a heart of gold. He has always been there for us and his sisters until today. What I am complaining about is the state of his house. My uncle is one of the tidiest persons on this planet and he is also one hell of a cook. So this complain is definitely targeted at someone else in the house, I dont wanna name names but its my aunt. Let me point out and stress that she is only related to us by marriage.

It all starts when you enter the drive way. There are shoes everywhere. Shoes since biblical times with sandals covered with shell fish from the Red Sea when the Israelites crossed it. These shoes are old and dirty and its definitely time to be taken out and burned. One shoe has dog poo in it that is so hard and been in dat shoe for so long that every time someone walks past, the movement will push more poo powder deeper into the shoe. Looks like a vampire got caught in sunlight and burnt to powder. Only difference, this poo has been there since Cheng Ho came over.

Then you enter the living room where you have clothes on the sofa and drawers and manila cardboards on top of a piano so that everyone cramps into one corner of the room. Maybe she wants us to be close. I then noticed (this happens every year) a nice new broom leaning against the wall and when I tried to remove it to its proper place, I noticed it was there for a purpose. It was there to cover all the dust that it swept. No one has bothered to take a pan and sweep it away. You may now say, "Alwyn isn't it unfair to expect her to cook for you all AND clean the house? Maybe its a lot of work and you should be grateful she is doing this." Let me continue with the Fear Factor house tour and u be the judge.

We now come to the toilet where it is so slippery because of the soap residue that hasn't been totally cleaned, you can perform a swan spin without skates. It is also disgustingly horrific imagining what horrors of algae are climbing through the pores of your skin!!! So what my 8-10 year old cousins will do, they stand at the door of the toilet and pee inside while some of the pee droplets fall on their pile of clean clothes that were left outside the toilet. Happy New Year!! Food is always good but there are always these BLACK thick cobwebs that has been building up since the dinosaurs went extinct hanging over the dinner table. You sometimes see these cobwebs in really old coffeeshops or in dungeons in medieval England. So anything could have been included into dinner including baby spiders or remains from the spider's dinner. Yummy!

I am of course leaving the best for last. For some reason they have a potty in their room. You know a potty to pee in when you are too lazy or scared to go to the toilet? Back in the days when the built houses, rooms were not all attached with a bathroom (Horrors!! How did we live back then?!?!?!?!). So my son when he was about 3 and very clean (takes after his mother; irritatingly) he didnt want to go into the bathroom with algae or whatever radioactive substance on the floor. So we were suggested the potty. Here is the problem. It was filled to the brim with a murky yellow greenish liquid which could only be pee saved for some diabolical experiment from the start of World War I. Not only was it murky, it was bubbly which suggest that there are active and reproducing living organism in the liquid. I can't swear in a court of law but I am sure is capable of swallowing a small dog. I think that's where all the doggies who pooped in the shoes went.

We were then asked to move it so that my son could pee. Unfortunately I didnt have my HAZMAT suit or hazardous material handling suit that is used when handling radioactive materials and anthrax. Even then I am not sure I would be totally safe. Needless to say, my son rather peed in the street drain. Point to note, we only always stay about 2 hours max as we didnt want to be caught in the cobweb or have another arm growing on our foreheads.

So look out for the next fear factor visit to my uncle's house where only immense love and respect for my uncle brings me there every year. However, I am more than happy to be your tour guide if you are interested. Just make sure you had all your shots and the paramedics are standing by.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What was it like to be a kid?

You have to admit that most of us dont remember wat life was like when we were kids. I mean we remember where we stayed, how our parents whoop us half to death, why we got mad with our parents but we dont really remember the emotions. Also why do Asian parents up to the 80s like to whoop their kids half to death??? Is there something in the penal code we didnt know about that exist today but not then that says they can do that before the 90s???
Anyway, I noticed that whenever I try to teach my kids their homework and I get agitated that they dun know simple things like "How many 5 cents are there in 40 cents?". We tend to forget how difficult it was for us when we were asked this question in our lower primary. I got real frustrated and was on the verge of yelling at my poor daughter when i remembered the living nightmare I had to go through with my dad.

Dont get me wrong, I loved my dad immensely. We had a great relationship that went intoa dark period because he forgot how difficult school can be. He was very tough and always had a cane with him whenever he taught me. I really dreaded it whenever it came to study time with one specific memory standing out. The multiplication table. Every wrong recital earned a stroke from the cane.

It's also been a while since we learned something new. So when my children wanted to take up music, I was very cautious not to give too much pressure. Think back the last time you learned something new? Mine was in college when I touched the PC for the first time. So have to learn to cut them some slack.

Also now my son is growing up...super fast. Last nite he was dis baby drooling all over and eating his own snot and today he is dis thinking, scheming, caring, funny, delightful, wanna kick him in the crotch, 11 year old boy. I dun want to whoop him at dis age, so i punish him by grounding him and taking away his priviliges. I first give him an opportunity to explain himself, then punish, then explain why he was wrong. I also do something my parents didnt do. Apologize when I am wrong. I remembered at his age, I wanted to be either James Bond or a lawyer. A lawyer so that I can sue the ass off my parents......then come home to sleep, hv dinner and collect pocket money la. If that didnt happen, I can be James Bond and got the hell out of trouble!!

Kids got through an interesting change in phase as well. When my son started appreciating TV ard 2, he was very into Bugs Bunny. Not so much Mickey or Donald but Bugs and gang. Then he evolved to dinosaurs, T-Rex and animals dead for millions of years. The bigger the better of coz. It's a guy thing. You think my son loved T-Rex or Brontosaurus bcoz its diverse habitat can teach us much of the ancient world? You gotta be kidding. He is essentially a mini-guy and he loves these creatures becoz they can stomp anyone flatter than a tosai!!

Then came the Great Pokemon phase that never totally left. It comes and goes. Power Rangers surfaced a while. Yu-Gi-Oh was next. Then X-Men, Transformers, Batman and it is now back to Pokemon again. At this stage, he is getting more involved into sports like football, basketball and badminton. He supports Liverpool and Brazil...just like his dad...sniff*! Everytime he goes into a phase, I have to lug my life saving to dis big corporation called Toys R' We-are-heck-lot-more-expensive-than-everyone-else and start a investment portfolio in action figures, equipment and jerseys. At dis point, I have more invested in my son's Toys R' We-Taking-All-Your-Money toys than my retirement fund.

So who remembers what it was like to feel terrified bringing home a terrible test result, losing pencils and erasers in school, breaking something of your parents and then becoming mini-CSIs to hide the evidence, going out without permission and not doing your homework? That horrid day when your parents are called to school to see the teacher. I certainly don't but my kids remind me more often than not. I hope it helps me be a better parent and in turn teaches them to be better people. So if you see an 11-year old boy struting ard in his Liverpool jersey, holding some action figure and Pokemon DVDs and sometimes being a little rascal, do cut him some slack. His dad is still learning.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The 3 phases of child suffering

I have this theory that we as parents go thru 3 phases when we have our kids. During the formative years, we are in de refugee phase. Thats because we are carrying our babies' stuff around with us wherever we go. You know wat I mean, bags and bags of bottles, tupperwares for milk powder, medication, blankets, diapers, changes of clothes and sometimes cough medicine for the baby and bourbon for you.
I remember at one time, when my son just touched 1, we went to a 5-star resort and I walked into the lobby with a springnette (or more popularly known as sarong but with wheels) and a potty because my son won't poop in strange toilets, even though it cost up to RM500 a nite. We look like refugees ready to climb on the next boat out whenever it arrives taking us to a land where kids can immediately have jobs the moment the umblical cord is cut. That will last as long as your babies need milk like every 2-4 hours or that they are the poop producing machines from hell so that you have to change their diapers every 30mins, so that you don't smell like a petrol station restroom with people avoiding you like you are decomposing...with sores....and worm burrowing out of it.
Second phase is the tourist phase. Dis is where your kids are now a little more independant, hopefully a bit more sensible and can have adult food. Normally this happens ages 4 and up. However, this is will differ depending on how you bring up your kids. If your kids resemble Damien from the movie Omen, then not only do you not go into the tourist phase but you MUST take your child to church and stab them through the heart. How you raise your child is very important for you to keep your sanity. My mom uses emotional blackmail to psych herself into half murdering us whenever my brother and I step out of line. Dats becoz to her, how we behave is a reflection of how we were brought up by her. So its a reflection of her and her parents. Sorry to all those Dr Phil believer who believes in talking sense and trying to make a 3 year old understand why he shouldn't take a stick and poke a rabid dog. They don't get you and hence talking and trying to reason is a sign of weakness. How many of you of succeeded in this manner, put up your hands? I didn't think so.

You have to whoop your kids ass. The logic is simple. If you don't, someone else will. It could be bullies or gangsters or corp sharks or the state prison. Dis is not to say dat kids with their assess whooped will not end up in prison or be DVD pirates but there is definitely a less chance of them doing so. Phase 3 is when your kids grow up to be teenagers and hate you. That's what I call the dating phase, where you and your spouse get back your lives and start dating again. Your kids won't want to be seen with you let alone follow you out. So you get to go out, chill and have fun.

My son has the most angelic face when he was a kid. He still has it but now, I am on to him. He has these huge spot light eyes, one of the longest eye lashes and a pretty sharp nose. All courtesy of the Indian genes. However, when he was 1 to 3, he had another side which he never showed me. Once at a pasar malam, he threw a tantarum by lying on the gravel road and rolling around. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt that painful as hell? Nothing is more determined than a toddler testing his parent's bending point. Needless to say his mother gives in to all the time because he looks like Puss-in-Boots in Shrek 2 with his large eyes brimmed with tears that makes it look like pearls glistening softly in the sun....sigh.... He stopped his tantarums at 3, because I finally found out and whopped his ass.

My daughter is a lot more rough and tumble. She is really pretty with very dark pearl eyes and silky jet black hair. Flat nose though which came from me. Poor baby. She has been throwing tantarums and I have tried know talk sense to her. She is 7 now, still tantaruming. I know you may say that I am biased in my way of bringing up my kids and that I should be fair and practice what I preach and whoop both asses. To that I actually have to say that you will be ignored. I have lots of thing to say about these child having phases. This will help the young and new couples what they have to do to ensure their kids dont turn out to be Attila the Hun. So that the next time you see kids throwing a tantarum in public and the parents trying to talk sense into them, you will just walk over, pick the kid up and take them to church.

Well done Beijing! Well done indeed.

I guess there is a huge advantage having unlimited human resource at your disposal. Cheap at dat too but wat a show! I was caught up in the whole Olympic 2008 opening ceremony. It was so so cool, extravagant, lavish, super creative and just totally unexpected. It wasn't enuf just to have unlimited funds and govt backing but you actually had to come up with ideas on how you wanna spend the money and wat spectacle to create. Zhang Jimou and his team really outdid themselves.
There are so many ensemble to comment on. The globe with the faces of thousands of children around the world was just awe inspiring. Not only was the whole ensemble creatively unique but the effort it took was fantastic. They took a whole year to combine the pics of the children. I am going to google for a site dat explains how each ensemble took place. I was also very impressed whr they had these ppl running ard with lights on their clothes and just magically they got together to form the Olympic rings. They they kinda lifted the rings up. How de heck did they do dat???

The evolution of Chinese writing was also very creative and superbly difficult to execute but like everything dat nite, it was executed to perfection. The drums which lighted up when you hit it and they used it to countdown the opening was also mind blowing. So were the 1800 drummers using florescent drumsticks. When they marched in, the Chinese contingent had a 5 year old Sichuan quake survivor walking along side Yao Ming, who was their flag bearer. I tot dat was a very noble gesture.

I enjoyed the lighting of the torch more as I know who Li Ning is. For those of you who dont follow world events, i suggest you climb out of your cave and google it. The way he mimicked running around the stadium wall for a full length was only possible for a gymnast to do. He is still fit obviously. I would have first died from fright. Then after 10m, my legs would have just given up. i would be holding the torch panting and mebe even fall asleep and set myself on fire.

It was also important dat China has so much history and tradition that they werent going to run out of concepts and stories to depict. I wonder wat Malaysia would have done? Let's see, we had some Indonesian prince come over, sat under a tree and saw a white dear kick his hunting dogs into the river. Hence he named the swamp around him after the tree. Dat would be one ensemble. We then depict us using a short wavy dagger to try to fend off invaders using guns and cannons and armour. Oh wait, we can depict Hang Tuah and his 4 gangsters. Oh crap, we can't. There is evidence that he is Chinese, that's why u dont read about him anymore or him appearing in our school books.

We can then fast forward to the 20th century where corruption and sodomy dominate our culture. We can depict royalty and politicians claiming they are sons of the earth (when they are decendants of Indonesian, Sulu and Javanese pirates), not pay taxes, create racial dissent and then blame other races for it. That's easy....the sodomy part is the tough one. Hmm..who can we get to bend over??? Food for thought. Now that I have successfully planted that image in your head, why don't we just go back to the positive. Sure China is a communist country and they have a horrid human rights record. Can be worst that wat the British did to their colonies or what the Americans did to the Native Indians or wat the sons of the earth are doing to the non-Malays. The Chinese may be all dat but they sure know how to show the world a good time.

One World, One Dream....for us the dream remains just that.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Does this breed violence?

There is this fad that used to be in Malaysia but kinda dropped out. It is Laser Tag. There was an outlet called Laser Quest that was in Mines some years back but I think they have since shut down. Now they have Laser Tag but out in the open like paintball. Geez..where's the fun in that?!?!?! If it is outdoors, you wanna see something get hit. SPLAT!!!!
It was probably about 10 years ago that I first went for this fad at Mines with my Microsoft friends. It was very cool....then. For those of you who live under a coconut shell, Laser Tag is a game where everyone carries a laser gun (gun that emits light) and try to hit your opponents' target areas. We each will also wear a vest that will have sensors at the front, back, shoulders and our guns. The objective is to hit these sensors with our "laser guns" and of course avoid getting hit. Each hit scores points and each hit you get, minus your total. We are put into a kinda obstacle course with cardboard walls and glow-in-the-dark paint. Needless to say, I kicked ass!! I was top scorer and my team won. Of coz my opponents may beg to differon the nature of my win. If so, then my advice is to GET THEIR OWN BLOG!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!

Dat was 10 years ago and running non-stop for 20-30 mins was not an issue. Fast forward 10 years and I went to a Laser Quest in Singapore with my kids, nephews and nieces. There were some adults as well and let me tell you, running non-stop for 10 mins was similar to me diving into a swimming pool filled with rusty used razor blades. I was barely wheezing let alone breathe and I was pretty sure my lungs were hemorrhaging. Well I already have the good looks so wat if i m a little out of shape. Can't have it all. I had these 2 nephew and niece who thought that they could chase me and shoot me at the same time, hence earning points. I think they missed the point that I could shoot them too! So I got most of my points from these little twin 8 year old munchkins. Who said twins arent connected??

We only played for 10 mins but it almost sent my whole breathing mechanism into a complete shutdown. Manual override!!! Breathe dammit!!! So it was a great experience since I kicked ass albeit it was a younger crowd but I wasnt getting any younger so it evened out. I hope that KL will have something like dat. I googled but nothing came out so I think it closed down.

One year in Atlanta during one of MS' annual trips, there actually was a laser tag erected for us Microsofties. The catch was, the walls and floors were made of inflated, bouncy ballon types. so moving around was a challenge. We were challenged by the SG MS team who were made up of buff, go-home-wit-de-girls-did-national-service type and we were these more popularly loved aerodynamic types (even tho one of us was thin as a rake. I think if Pat ever when into a shower, he will come out dry seeing that he is so thin, he could maneuver out of the water). They went in with tactics on how to flank us. We just went in with the objective to finish fast since it is almost dinner time. Needless to say, we kicked their ass!!! Not just slightly but by a huge margin. I had something like 30,000 points and they had something like 5000. Whoo-hoo!

Anyway, we just went dinner after that and the SG boys wanted a rematch. We told them we will be there after dinner to settle it and not to leave without seeing us. has been 8 you think they are still there?? My son has gotten the laser tag bug since he came in second after me. And it is giving us a lot of craving to pick up a gun-like apparatus and shoot at something....I am going to start with inconsiderate cigar smokers and people who talk loudly on the phone in public places as if their the other person is legally deaf. I don't think it is violent!