Monday, November 15, 2010

Sexual Harassment of just wanting to get laid?

Now before you over-active bozos get any ideas, this topic has absolutely NOTHING to do with me or any of my acquaintances. I was reading about the case of Hewlett-Packard's CEO being asked to leave because he was having an affair with a supplier and there is some unfair advantage thingy or something like that.

That just brought my attention to some of the more famous cases like Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Bill Clinton, etc. I mean, sexual harassment is no kidding matter. Rape is even worst like in the case of Kobe. He is a huge guy and not easy to overcome and rape is a traumatic experience. But let's not make it any bigger than it is. I mean we have to draw the line very clearly and in these cases, it is not always so.

Take Bill Clinton. He was having an affair with Ms Lewinsky, make no mistake. I cannot believe that she would blow him but not screw him. Come on!! Women have needs too!! Therefore, there definitely were other cases and I am not going to discount Paula Jones and all other accusers but when does it start being harassment and stop being a-guy-trying-to-get-laid? I mean we guys are guilty of this. We need to flirt, feel the need to be charming and feel the need to pro-create. I realize I am making a generalization here, and some men can't be charming to save their lives.

Of course this is about levels and most married or those committed to a relationship don't. However, for those who do, they are just trying to get laid. They ask once, twice, three times and if it gets real annoying, you tell him off. Maybe even get HR but is that really sexual harassment. Do you need the Courts for this one?

At the same time, every female magazine you read has women saying the want the men to take the initiative. Be bold, confidence, step up but there is that invisible line that is defined by different women. How the heck are we men supposed to know?? Women rarely take the initiative because they think that will make them a slut? You know who will think that? Other women! Men love it when women take charge.

You know who never gets into this problem, movie stars, rock stars, models and rich guys. If they ask, women will be throwing their panties at them. Some will be throwing themselves even before being asked or at 50 feet away. I myself am glad that I am married and nearing 40 where the effort to flirt and have an affair is just to tiring mentally and physically so I don't fall into this conundrum of when to be nice to women.

.....also, no women are asking me....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Perfect Girlfriend

How many of this do you agree with??

- Has a sweet tooth

- Has perky little boobs - more than a handful is a waste

- Has long hair

- Has a pert little bottom

- Loves wine

- Isn't afraid to go without make up

- Is shorter than you

- Is really sporty

- Is skinny and trim

- Is a really good driver

- Is someone who is all about the family and children

- Enjoys a big hearty meal

- Enjoys watching football at the pub or on TV

- Knows her limits when it comes to booze

- Keeps on top of her weight

- Has a high sex drive

- Has a degree

- Employed

- Earns more than you

- Encourages nights out with the lads

- Jokes around and has a laugh

- Is comfortable wearing whatever

- Can get ready in ten minutes

- Enjoys home cooking

- Likes a lie in

- Is liked by your mates

- Likes your mates

- Good with money

Read more:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What does it got to do with patriotism?

Also in today's papers, Malaysia's defense minister said that there is a lack of non-Malays in the armed forces because of the lack of patriotism. And in the US, the military is trying to keep gays out of the military. This is just darn wrong.

As for our defense minister, I guess it goes to show that anyone can be a minister or you don't need brains to be in politics. I guess if he can make sweeping statements like that, so can I.

Just a side message to the US Govt; if the gays want to fight, LET THEM FIGHT!! If the gays in Malaysia want to fight, I will the first one advocating for them because I ain't fighting!!! Call me a faggot or a wuss. I am not fighting!!

Back to our predicament by the defense minister. As a non-Malay and representing 2 out of 3 of the major races, I can safely say, we are very patriotic but joining the armed forces is not in my top to do list. There are many reasons why we choose not to. Let me take the liberty to tell you what both races are thinking:-

1. The Govt is biased towards the Malays. They get all kinds of special priviliges that is protected by the constituition. When we ask for similar rights (mind you similar and not to take away any rights from anyone), we are told to be quiet and not raise racial tension, we are called immigrants and have to pay higher taxes, while the Malays enjoy loans at low rates and even get away from repayment (PTPTN) or paying taxes. On top of that, we don't get first choice into top university courses and scholarships. The top law student in Cambridge is a Malaysian sponsored by Singapore. This talent now belongs to Singapore.

So I say, we love our country very much but our country don't seem to love us. So let the sons of the earth, fight and shed blood for the country who pampers them so. Sour puss maybe but....yeah!

2. It doesn't take much to be in the army. It's not like you need a degree. Since we have so many Mat Rempits, drug addicts and lepak-ers, get them into the army. And since we are making sweeping statements, let me make another one; statistically most of them are Malays. Same with those child molester, rapist, animals who raped their own daughters. Send them to the army and since most of them are Malays....

3. We are more interested in making money. Chinese folks are mostly in business, triads, loan sharking while Indians are lawyers, engineering and burning people. Also we are being courted by other countries with scholarships and equality. So not much time for playing soldier boy!

4. It's not like we have the best equipments. Our planes use to fall into the sea more frequent than Tarzan scratches his butt in the morning. We have shoddy guns, no tanks, no night vision goggles, no cool gadgets. In fact we seem to have been stuck in WWII. So what's the incentive? Where is the cool factor?

5. Ration sucks! Other military eat steaks, drink beer and have strong nutrition value in food. We have nasi lemak and dried fish. There is also no pork! You can't tell me, the army doesn't eat wild boar in the jungle to survive.

6. We don't get to be on movies like Predator, Commando, Rambo, etc. The last time we made any movie worth watching was during the time of P.Ramlee back in the 60s and 70s.

7. 99% of the army are Malays and 90% of those can't speak English. We don't want to have a vocabulary dearth and stuck with only Malay. While we want to learn Malay, we also want to learn other languages.

8. Royal Military College which prepares future officers are for Malays....'nuff said.

9. We don't wanna die or at least so horribly.

10. Our country is safe. We don't have any enemies as we are not important enough. So there isn't any excitement factor either.

I don't foresee this changing anytime soon as the military which is run by stubborn hard heads are not going to change anytime soon. So if these factors persist, we are not going to get more non-Malays into the military. So Mr Defense Minister, pls read more and have some ounce of sense and sensitivity in you without making sweeping statements.

It is not lack of's just the thought of protecting ungrateful ingrates, that keeps us away.

Porn to cure PE?? You just know a guy is behind this!

In today's Star newspaper, you would have read about the possibility of curing premature ejaculation by watching porn! Now come on!! Have we resorted to this? First off, you just know that this is a guy thing. No self respecting woman doctor would make this statement simply because:-

1. It's a man's drawback
2. How is she going to experiment?
3. Guys like porn....there...I said it!!

If a guy tells you he doesn't watch or like porn, it's like Colonel Sanders saying he's going vegetarian ( never know, he could be!). We like porn, that's it! We like it more than women and we don't know why that is so. It's like asking why we pee standing up, spray all over the toilet seat and then leave it up. It just is.

But society takes a very dim light of this simply because the standards of our society are set by women! So we have to like porn secretly without the knowledge of fellow porn admirers especially those of the different sex. But now, we have come to this. Putting it together with medical science. I bet next they will say it will cure caner or the common cold.

Kudos to the professors who thought of this and are trying to put it as part of medical science. We know better...shhh......