Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wanna donate to a poor exploited Indian?

Well my PC is back!!! What joy! 51 days of no PC and no internet access at home is enough to drive you up the wall. these last few weeks had a lot of drama. there was sweat, tears, joy, bombings and of course amusement as well since our Govt oso must get into the act. First of, the status of the Hindraf situation. I am in a dilemma over this one. In one hand, I want my USD1Million. On the other, i dont see how in god's good green earth is anyone going to give them that!!! Also, i have to question the method they are going about doing it. I just read the reports and i know there is a debate abt whether our newspaper can be trusted. Anyway, giving them the benefit of the doubt, these guys (Hindraf) apparently engaged the Sri Langkan Tamil Tigers leaders and also some political figures in India. Now, while I dont get involved and give my opinion abt other countries' political struggles, dont you think engaging a waring faction and another country is just asking for it? What the heck did they think the Govt was going to do???!?!?! Applaud and then say "hey, i will help you in your case. If the British dun give you the million each, we will!!!"

Of course, the Govt went ahead and charged them under ISA which means detention without trial. Some of them came out to say, it is not the Malaysian way to demonstrate and take to the streets. so wat is the Malaysian way, just keep quiet and take it up the pooper chute?? Of course the way to show what the meant, the UMNO youth took to the streets demonstrating for peace (so it seems). Somehow the irony is just fantastic. Anyway, there are many ways to make yourself heard and i dont think violence is in the top of list. Violence should be the choice just below "Setting oneself on fire". But i guess my million is not going to come through that channel. Anyone want to donate to a poor exploited Indian?

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