Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The importance of your racial beginnings....really?

It has been a while since I blogged. No excuses, just lazy....so much to catch up on.

One of the many things I find that the human race is obsessed with is race. Which ethnicity they are from, who, they can marry and whom they can be friend with. I guess in Western civilization, it is not as apparent. If you go to Europe or the US, they assimilate pretty well. You can't really tell where they are from...I mean you can make an educated guess but it is of no real significance.

In Asia and Africa, we place so much importance to the ethnicity of fellow humans to the point of murder. If you marry out of your race, most parents will disown you as will the families ir even maim you. I have cousins and uncles who inter-marry and go through hell. Heck I witnessed it first hand. My mom went through some major mental torture when she first got married but her experience enabled our family to be more open to other races.

Having said that, I am not saying that we shouldn't care where we originated from. We should be proud of our race and help spread the understanding of our own culture and inner ticking of our race to others. I am extremely proud to be both Indian and Chinese. I am a product of the 2 oldest civilizations, culture and largest population today. How can I not be proud.

But I am a racist as I would prefer my children not to marry people who are too obsessed with their race. Indian, Punjabi and Malays are extremely against inter culture marriages. For Malays, the in-laws have to convert for fear of diluting the Islam religion. Which by the way is the fastest growing religion. If you have faith, why the insecurity of your religion being diluted?? I don't get that part. Chinese folks just think they are better than everyone. Indians and Punjabi are afraid that there won't be enough of their race in the country.


In short, I have been made a racist by society because they want to be their own so much, it doesn't leave a place for us multi culture folks. What a bunch of multi culture bullshit. However, you can't keep a good idea down as I see many inter marriage kids these days and there will be more to come. I think you should be a racist and shouldn't marry out of your race....which is the human race.

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