Friday, January 18, 2008

If we could put a man on the moon.....

We may have heard this saying that if we can put a man on the moon, why can't we do certain stuff? And it feels like dat lots and lots of times. Here are some of my pet peeve!

1) Car battery - For goodness sake, if we can put a freaking man on the freaking moon, why cant we put a device in our cars that will tell us when to charge our car batteries or change it. Instead in this day and age, we have to suffer the inconvenience of having our car batteries die on us in any location! Then we have to wait for the blinking AAM or whoever to bring it over, pay premium and service charge! Our mobiles have this feature, for the love of all things pure!!!!!

2) Those damn ketchup packets - Isn't the whole purpose of the F&B line designed to be customer friendly??? What is up with those damn packets?? You have gnaw at it like a rabid wolverine to get to some sauces for your meal. When your fingers are oily or wet, it is DAMN near impossible to do it! Which deranged pychopathic ward resident came up with this idea and which carbon monoxide inhaling moron approved it??? I have a way to curb drug abuse...make it legal and sell it in those ketchup packets! Let's see those crack heads get at it now.

3) Parking indicators - Parking spaces are always a premium in city areas and until recently we parkers have to drive around like lost sperms trying to locate the egg looking for a space. Also we can be cast of the "Night of the Stalking Cars" as we drive slowly following fellow shoppers who are walking towards their cars! When they are not leaving, @#$%&* them. Now we have a system that was I first saw in Singapore. Where a light above the space will indicate if it is vacant or not. green means yes and red means occupied. From there, there is a display at the entrance to tell u how many are available. What happens then is, there will be a mad rush for that one green parking slot! Why cant we have intelligent indicators that guide the cars to where the spots are? You take the ticket n indicators will guide to the nearest open slot.

4) Longer lasting milk - Why can milk only last dat few days before in "expires". what the heck will happen to you when you drink the milk that is expired the day before? will your intestines explode and you grow another head? there is nothing scarier then thinking u have drunk expired milk. Why cant we have milk dat last longer? What's wrong with our cows?

5) Stable PC - Why cant we have an operating system that performs consistently and just chucks out what is not needed? I dont mind it getting more powerful but by adding all those additional stuff on the PC and requiring it to have more RAM, ROM, HDD and all dat crap is just not on! Most of the stuff are duplicates and could be obsolete. Cant we just hv a common set of codes or products and some smaller additional codes for the other software we wanna install? Everytime we do something to the PC, some other shit crops up and gives you some alien encrypted error message. Makes you wanna poke both eyeballs with a blunt chopstick!

6) Re-sealable cookie packets - Until recently only Oreos has this pack and even then it is not a standard pack. It is for the bite size product and it is not available in all countries. Why are we encouraging ppl to finish their cookies in one go? Just so that they will continue buying? Hey wait a minute....that actually makes sense.....hmmm.....turning into a coporate capitalist stooge now....ok, scrap this.

I will have more rantings coming in the near future, so stay tuned. Next up, people who suck and I dont mean for money!!

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