Friday, July 25, 2008

Extend your family - even if its de Addams family

My last blog got me thinking about family and I tot I would mention them a bit. There are only 4 of us in the family. My bro is 5 years younger and rite now he looks like an Elm tree trunk! He is about 6' 1'' and very wide!! My Dad was really cool, he reads a lot and is very philosophical. He loves his siblings very much...too much i think that they tend to take him for granted and not appreciate him much sometimes. Dis doesnt seem to affect my Dad much. He always believed that if you took care of other people's children, God will take care of yours. Well dat was also de reason why we were poor as church mice. Mom is a great but she tend to nag a lot and is a typical 70's mom meaning she will beat your ass. I love them dearly.
I don't take too much to my dad's side of de family becoz of dat. Too many drama queens. I am closer to my mom's side since they have always looked out for us and were always there for us. Since I am the eldest, the closest thing I had to an elder brother was my cousin called KLY. He is a year older and we used to hang out all the time when we were kids. We lived quite near each other. It was a good 45 min walk but only 5 mins by bus and only cost 15 cents.

I moved to PJ when I was 8 and we started coming to each other's houses and hanging out a lot. He thought me chess, roller skating, how to take a bus and all kinds of board games. Sometimes we will invent really silly games like drawing a line of the sand and running around it trying to catch each other. You cannot jump over the line or reach over. Or we will have those plastic soldiers like those in Toy Story and we will hide them at various places in our living room. We will then enact a war using the military's best secret ready for this?.....a rubber band. Sometimes we run out of soldiers and we will draft cowboys and indians to fight those nasty....err...nasty...KLY-ian soldiers.

KLY has 3 sisters, 2 older and 1 younger. We fell out of touch once we hit out teenage years and drifted apart throughout our adolescent years. We still see each other every year during Chinese New Year or other celebrations. We attended the birth of our kids and also the parties. One day, as I was looking at my current house, I found out that KLY family stayed at the same road of the house i was checking out. I damn near bought the house immediately.

My other cousins, KLY's 2 sisters also stayed on the same road. It was then that we started to connect again. We found A LOT of things that happened behind the scenes. Things that would put the Addams family to shame! I won't write it here to protect the innocent........yet! Anyway, we all hang out every weekend, do kids stuff like going to the zoo, park, cycling, badminton, swimming, etc. I mean we do with our kids la, not just the adults...sheesh!

So I am just super duper lucky that my cousins stay near me and that our families get along so well. It is truly a blessing I will cherish and I hope to maintain always. Next family blog I will talk about my cousin in SG. He is a triathelete and he is his own words. Also I better write something gross next. All this mushy stuff is making me soft.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flawed! ROTFL!!!

~One of said cousins ;P~