Monday, February 9, 2009

Tea, Tea everywhere

I spoke about my recent trip to Cameron Highlands and thoroughly enjoyed my stay there. I expected it to be warm and tons of development happening but found that it was cool and good balance of activities for the family. It was also important that we had good company and folks whom you can enjoy a trip with. My cousin KLY's family and my sister-in-law are such folks. Just a note, it you intend to go up Cameron, take the Simpang Pulai exit about 40km farther than Tapah. That route is wider and more comfortable (something like going up Genting) while Tapah is more narrow, windier and is much more prone to landslides. This posting, I wanted to elaborate more on 3 locations in Cameron that I enjoyed. This posting we will elaborate on Sg Palas Boh Tea Plantation.

The road into Sg Palas is very narrow and your first impression would have been, "Is there something at the end of the road or is it going to end down a ravine with tea tree spokes up your nostrils?!". When you are there, the view is gorgeous and they have a tea house which is built on a jutting out platform. Do take the tour as it is very informative. The food was very reasonable, the view excellent and the company delightful. I almost elected to stay there all day but they only had snacks so I had to go down for solid food.

Enjoy some of the pics.
Mikey at the car park.

Platform of the tea cafe.

Admiring the little ones with their queens as well as the view.

3 key ladies in my life. (R to L)My wife Melissa, sis-in-law Jessy, cousin-in-law Caryn.

A tea tree can grow this tall and is useful for 150 years.

Shovelling the tea to be packed after all the processing.

The family at the tea cafe.

All at the tea plantation,

Going down the path into the plantation.

Tea Plantation behind us now.

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