Sunday, May 31, 2009

80s TV Shows - My childhood Part 2

In my earlier post on TV shows, I was admonished by my most loyal fan and that is my brother Jude that I had missed out on some major shows. I thought I managed to cover most of it but then realized that when you spend 75% of your waking hour in front of the TV, there is a lot more to just a few mere mention of shows. So I have racked what's left of my brains to see if the few remaining brain cells will be able to pull out some info about the shows I want to talk about or were my favourite. So here are a mention of a few.

1) Misfit of Science
There was a very young and absolutely delightful Courtney Cox starring as one of the Misfits with telekinetic powers. There was a someone who could shoot electric bolts and one who could become smaller. Together they fight crime but too bad it only lasted one season.

2) Automan
Everyone knows what a cursor is these days but back in the day I thought the hero had a special blue dot called "curser" but it never did anything except coming out of the body of the super hero "Automan" and conjuring up sports cars from thin air. You gotta see it to believe it.

3) Silver Spoon
A very young child named Ricky Shoroder as a child of a rich tycoon. Watch them ride on a toy train that goes around the house. It was a fun comedy which shows how rich white folks live.

4) Diff Strokes
This is a totally different comedy about how rich white folks live because the rich folk adopted 2 black kids which one of them is Gary Coleman. He coined the very famous phrase "Whatcha' talking about Willis?"

5) Fresh Prince
Technically this is a 90s show but I am a BIG Will Smith fan. It was his first TV show and it was a huge success. It's about how rich black folks live when they bring in their poor black nephew into Beverly Hills, with hilarious consequences.

6) Cosby Shows
This is a totally different series about the famous Bill Cosby and his family and it is about how rich black folks live...without any white folks. But it was hilarious and this was one of the highlights of my TV loves.

7) The Jeffersons
America couldn't get enough of these poor black couple who made it big and moved on up to the East Side. George and Louise with their interracial couple neighbour and their maid Florence.

8) Family Ties
The beginning of Michael J. Fox and what an entrance. The brilliant kid aspiring to be a rich part of the establishment coming from hippie parents. It doesn't get any better than this. This is good TV.

There were some more shows that I won't go into details. Shows from cops and robbers genre like Starsky and Hutch, Remington Steele, Hardcastle and McCormick, Scarecrow and Mrs King, Jake and The Fatman, Wiseguy, The Equalizer, TJ Hooker (I love Heather Locklear) and Matlock.

Comedies like Moonlighting, Mork and Mindy, My Two Dads, Greatest American Hero, Full House (beginning of the Olsen twins), Doogie Howser, Wonder Years and Three's Company.

I was into sci-fi shows like Quantum Leap and Voyagers where both were about time travelling. Twilight Zone was also one of my favourites which always made me think something below my bed was going to get me. Seeing my brother and I shared a double decker bed, I was pretty much safe that whatever it was would be contented to get my brother then. He was larger than some commercial vehicles.

Anyway, I welcome more inputs to the list of our childhood and teenage shows. I will do cartoons next so stay tuned....Believe it or not, I'm walking on air....


Wai Mun said...

Remember the tv show "Combat"? I miss shows like that

Alwyn said...

I did mention it I think in my earlier post. Anyway, who can forget Sgt Saunders Vic Morrow!