Saturday, October 24, 2009

MCA and MIC strikes again - The circus never left town

If you are like me, a Chindian that is proud to be Indian and Chinese, you can't help but read the comedy that is playing in the political arena of MCA and MIC. These are the 2 largest and oldest political parties that are supposed to represent the interest of the Chinese and Indian races. Most of you will ask, how is it in the 21st century and in a supposedly developing nation are we still looking at race-dependant parties?

That's because we have idiotic, money grubbing, murderers for our "leaders". I don't know what is worse, the leaders we have (which are more than qualified to sit with the lab mice in a laboratory for bubonic plague cure) or the people who keep putting them there.

So let me play out the simple scenario of these 2 circus'. MIC which is to stand for Indian rights, was going for an election to see if their hair-implanting leader of 22 years will stay around or yield to a worthy successor. There were rumours he will go, he will stay which of course turns out that he will stay. Since he will stay, no one wants to challenge him for the presidency. Why? Would you bite the hand that feeds you? So MIC, like its other race-based party becomes nothing more than a farce.

The battle is on for the vice-presidency which our dear MIC leader goes all out to support a quiet, puppet that will follow whatever he dictates. So all the party money spent on elections was just to put on a show for the benefit of those with the minds of amoebas.

MCA saw a battle of egos between president and deputy culminating in the removal of the deputy. This drama had it all and I thought only the Indians were capable of drama. First was the sex scandal of the deputy and his "lover" of many years being caught in a hotel room that he frequents every time he is with the lady. Now if that doesn't get you the "Deserved to get your ass busted" of the year award, I don't what else will.

Then there was the corruption scandal involving the Port Klang Free Trade Zone involving billions which until today, no one could surface the irregularities. So there was sex, corruption, greed, ego and a whole lot of kindergartner mud slinging.

During an EGM vote, both were voted out. For once, I thought those with brains and logic prevailed. New elections would be called and we will get new leaders who will work for the ideals and the people. If you think that, you have not been paying attention.

Of course they both DON'T resign. Of course they both don't leave. You can't depend on a simple thing like good ol' democracy and party charter to get good corrupted and highly sexed men out. So the PM, who is no saint either, stepped in and told everyone that these 2 clowns will stay and to hell with the vote of no-confidence, for the sake of party unity. So the party voted them out but they are kept in for the sake of the unity of a party who don't want them in the first place....hmmm....I guess if you have been controlled by your wife like our PM, you get your brain muddled and turn to oat-like substance.

BAd news is that we continue to be puppets of UMNO as long as the BN is in power and we continue to be opressed subtly and our country continues it slow descend down the drain. But the good news is that, we will continue to have good entertainment since the circus never left town.

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