Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ole MacDonald Had a Paradise Country Farm

Our first Gold Coast (GC) adventure stop was the Paradise Country Farm. It is a really cool get us which will allow you to experience life in a farm in Australia, which judging by the looks of it, doesn't seem all that different from those farm folks in the American Western movies. The main addition the Aussies have is sheep shearing. Other than that, it kinda involved a lot of poo or at least stepping on it. You can check out more details here at Paradise Country Farm. You may see more info here and that may be because, I am not really into farm animals. That's why I live in the city. If for some reason the city jobs dry and the only way to survive is by working in the village or a farm, I will be the first one to be going through the digestive tracts of wolves.

Our tram that took us to the attractions.

Some activities lined up for us naive city slickers are:-

1. Boomerang throwing - Some adult guys just hanging around throwing boomerangs and tried to catch it as it came back. 3 guys threw it 30+ times and only twice did it come back. I am impressed with the boomerang, just not these white performing city slickers. I am sure if a aborigine person did it, it will not only come back to him perfectly but maybe do a dance while at it.

2. Sheep rounding up by Ginny the sheep dog - Good ol' Ginny is used to round up these stray sheep but these sheep are so well trained, you get the feeling that Ginny didn't have to do much.

3. Cow Milking - It's a LOT harder than it looks. They tell you to squeeze and pull (or was it the other way around?). Anyway, Mandy got the best hang of it.

4. Sheep shearing - They bring in a whole stock of cows for us to see or "sample" with the most expensive and posh being the "Merino".
This is the shearer used on the sheep.

5. Animal Nursery - They had baby goats, pigs, koalas, kangaroos, chickens, ducks and sheep in a nursery where they were taken care of by the farm hands (or whatever they are called). It was a good time for our kids to see up close how to feed and bath and take care of these animals. Although my son and nephew got a bit distressed when they asked "What do you call a baby pig?" and I said "Suckling pig, sausage, ham, bacon?". I was right wasn't I?

6. Billy Tea and Sultana making in the wild - I didn't capture anything here. Tea making and baking in the wild just doesn't seem like an earth shattering item. The tea tasted like tea and the sultana was tasteless but I guess if you have been chasing cattle all day or sheep and had nothing decent, they will taste like heaven's gift.Melissa trying the Billy Tea (taste just like any tea only more bland).

7. Cattle rustling - 2 cow-folks (a guy and a gal) chase after a cattle to show how they bring strays home. If Melissa had her way, she would take many pictures with the cowboy named Cody. In all fairness, he was kinda good ruggedly looking.

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