Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Malaysian Story

Quite a lot has happened since I last wrote about a week ago. Well, we have a new Prime Minister and life has taken a turn for the better, we have good ministers who are finally focused on the job instead of making money and bringing up racial issues, there is a new racial and religious tolerance to one another and....

....we have a new type of energy that cost nothing, a cure for cancer and the common cold and pigs flying!

Our new PM, Najib still has this cloud of murder allegations above him and he is still the PM. He has come up with this 1Malaysia concept which I thought was redundant seeing that we are supposed to be one race (Malaysians, to all you idiotic bigots in the Malay heartland) anyway and after 50 years of independence, we seemed to have regressed.

Our PM first speech I thought was redundant and full of empty promises. For example, there was a whole bunch of ISA detainees released. Most of them suspected terrorists who have allegedly links to Jemaah Islamiah the alleged terrorist organization allegedly responsible for the alleged Bali bombings.

While we don't want the ISA, it doesn't mean everyone gets off scott-free!!! For goodness sake! Give them a fair trial and then decide if they should be released!! So for something like this, does it mean that the PM knew them to be innocent but still kept them locked up for up to 6 years without a trial or an end in sight? Or is he just an idiot for releasing alleged terrorist into the general public?

Then his cabinet is made up of people from the different states as in his way of thanking those states for still supporting the BN (ruling party). People who are picked not based on merits, skills or qualification but based on emotions almost always turn out to be total imbeciles....allegedly.

Then we had our by-elections where the important ones were won by the opposition. Immediately our Deputy PM, whom until now I didn't have much of an opinion but I think he is another brain dead and total waste of skin, came out to blame the defeats on the Chinese community!!! He said that the Chinese needed things like school allocations and other monetary help and the government provided but here they were voting for the opposition.

So that means, my votes are not a secret. Secondly, we non-Malays could only get our basic needs like citizenship, schools, utilities and jobs during the elections. Thirdly, it is made to look that the Malays are ALL supportive of the government! He did say that the Malays were divided between the BN and opposition but heaven would break loose from their mansion if the Malays were to be blamed in any way!!

So our poor new PM and government still thinks that the Malays support them, still thinks that the people can be bribed just before elections and still thinks that we the people, are racially divided.

The Indian "representative" in the government, MIC, was also upset with BN that they are so poorly represented in the cabinet. The only have 1 minister and I think 1 deputy minister and they responded (remember all this is for the Indian community) by saying they will pull out of the cabinet. How is that helping??!?!? They also said that the Indians did vote for the government because of their help in the campaigning. How????????

The opposition did a very good job in portraying themselves as a united front and not building parties according to races. That was the main reason they won. However, our oppositions are just as inept. First Anwar said, the government will fall by Sept 16. Not only did that not happen, there wasn't even a tinkle of it ever happening. Its like me saying I will look EXACTLY like Brad Pitt by next Sunday but then not doing anything about and just going about my normal routine.

Then on the day Najib was sworn in, he said he will release a statement "relating to Najib". Turned out it was about the defection of some people from a lowly and forgotten Indian party headed by a person no more smarter than and has the same personality of an amoeba. So it was like, "was that it?", "did we ever cared about the PPP?" and "not again Anwar!!!".

Sigh.....our country is in a recession, despite our highly qualified economists' predictions. The same oxygen thieves who raised the price of oil which raised the price of everything else and then bringing the price of oil down hoping it will lower inflation. But despite our country being in danger of slipping into a depression with jobless and crime rates increasing, these so called politicians, champions of the people are concerned about NOT teaching English anymore than that 1 subject in school, having by-elections, pig farming, noise of azan, use of the word "Allah" by non-muslims. a non-muslim quoting from the Koran, provocative pics taken in private, wierd sodomy trial and the hanging of 2 officers for the murder of a intermediate woman.

The good news for me is that the comedy of errors and happenings are going to continue and I will have more content to write about. In the meantime, do pray for our country and God help us.

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