Friday, April 3, 2009

Good to know humour is still alive!

Once in a while, it is good to see humour prevailing in a society where dourness and squareness seems to be disguised until the pretense of propriety. Especially here in Malaysia, when certain races go to the extreme of having their women cover the head, arms and feet, separating them from the men in public places as swimming pools, cinema and checkout counters. But it is ok to rape your own daughters and abuse them and it is still ok to cover it up.

So when I saw these pics sent to me, I am glad to know that there is still humour alive in some authorities, albeit not in Malaysia....sigh!

Sucked off?????

Commonly seen. However for Chindians, we have to stand further....;-)

Pls be kind to our pests!

Somebody pls tell our makcik in the tudung to stop dancing on it!!

Honesty is the best policy.

Hmm....I sure hope this machine is not needed by our ministers. Both also no brain, how to use?

Animal activist at his best.

Dog whisperers! My favourite!

It's all biological.

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