Thursday, July 14, 2011

I am too old for this shit!

Those of us born in the 80s have this phenomenon called "getting old" or "mid-life crisis". Some of us more profound than others. For example, some of us are losing hair on our head and getting it in our ears, back and some nether regions.

As we get on with life, many things change. Mentally and especially physically. We change mentally in terms of our opinion of something, how we start to appreciate a starlit night, how a sad movie makes us cry, blah, blah, blah....ya ya, all that psycho stuff. Let's get to the fun part.

So as you are now in your 40s, what part of your 20's can you do anymore? Either because you physically can't or you would just look like a total brain-dead moron!

1. Staying up all night with your buds drinking beer and sharing stupid stories
2. Ermm...just staying up all night
3. Piercing ear - it will hurt like hell plus you look like an abandoned, left out gay man.
4. Hanging posters without frames
5. Sleep on your friend's canvas bed or hammock or anything that does not remotely resemble a nice, warm, soft bed!
6. Eating an entire pizza in one sitting or a "Tai Pau" or anything major food group for that matter.
7. Put off going to the doctor for ANY medical reason!!
8. Drinking with strangers in a bar because no ones wants to be friends with you in a bar.
9. Help someone move out of a flat without elevators in exchange for pizza and beer
10. Beer Bong - Gawd, I was never good at this even when I was in my 20s
11. Going to a rave
12. Sleep past 8am
13. Talk on the phone all night because of item 1.
14. I cannot be TyPiNg LikE diS
15. Do stupid dares in public because I may be arrested or beaten up.
16. To “understand” the Jonas Brothers or Justin Bieber
17. Drive around with really loud music, bass pumping, and windows rolled down
18. Wear leather clothes
19. Eat whatever I want without putting on weight or getting a heartburn - I now put on weight purely through osmosis.
20. MTV
21. New Year Eve parties and concerts end right after midnight.

There are many more that I will try to remember doing then and cannot now. What is your list?

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