Saturday, September 6, 2008

Special rights or Citizenship? Are they same?

I am sure you, the general public would be aware of the latest twist in the Malaysian circus that is our political scene. Reports were made that an UMNO leader made racist and seditious remarks about Chinese being squatters in Malaysia and were granted citizenship in return for not questioning the special rights of Malays. He then later said that this was in context during the pre-independant years. Another statement made was that if the Chinese were to question special Malay rights, then he can question Chinese citizenship.

Are they the same context???? I am very confused. What has citizenship got to do with Malay rights? Don't we deserve the same rights as Malays as we have been here for more than 3 generations? Even if we just landed yesterday, don't being a citizen means we will work and contribute to the country?

I am not sure if what happened in 1957 is rightly debated in today's context. If this UMNO leader wants to talk about history, where do we stop looking back at? The 1900's, 1800's, 1400's??? There would be too many context to be drawn from. The Malays as a race came from the many islands which make up Indonesia today, Sulawesi, Sumatra and Riau. So they does that mean we have to combine with Indonesia to be a part of them again? So what special rights are we talking about? If these special rights are so important to the Malays, why after 50 years are there still so many hardcore poor, drug addicts, petty thieves and low end workers that are predominantly Malays? How is it that only an elite group of Malays, like our UMNO leader, are the ones getting rich? So are the special rights only for them to abuse? What has he as an UMNO leader done to help the poor Malays or even the poor Malaysians? Why does this leader only want to talk about one race? What kind of an idiotic leader is that???

This UMNO leader also said that Malay leaders shouldn't be too nice and follow others until the feeling and sentiments of Malays are hurt. So does that mean he can hurt the feelings and sentiments of others? Why was he even talking about the citizenship and so called "squatting" of the Chinese anyway? What is he trying to achieve? I am so disappointed that after 50 years of independance and growing up as a country in a modern world where we have the opportunity to learn from other countries who have gained independance earlier, there are still amoeba brain idiots who are bringing up race politics and issues. Squatting my ass!!!

What is even more disappointing is that it is happening now, when UMNO and BN are losing power and losing its standing as a Malaysian party. Countries have to evolve to protect and ensure the prosperity of its people, regardless of race and creed. Just because we are non-Malays, does it mean we work less and have less pride in our country? Do we not work just as hard if not harder and do we not share the same pride? The press conference he later held just went on to cement what a racist (depsite him and the other so-called leaders) he is and they are. I do feel sorry for our PM as I feel he is generally a good guy and is trying but he has idiots and imbeciles for his grass root.

What this brainless, waste of skin doesn't realize is his brand of Malays are not Arabs. Arabs have oil money and they are hard working whereas there are Malays who are lazy, incompetent, backward and just waiting for Govt handout. These are the Malays who agree to this leader's comment. If the Chinese left, who is going to purchase the taxi licenses, bumi houses and shop lots and give you ready cash (which they will waste and then ask for some more licenses)? The Malays would actually have the work. That was what Tun Mahathir was saying about the Malays and how backward they were. The other sad part is that there are so many Malays who do NOT resort to racial slurs and who work hard to make a living. But in comes this Einstein and take all away from them.

The strategy of blasting everyone so that he looks right just goes to show how arrogant this oxygen thief is. If the Hindraf folks are held under ISA, shouldn't this piece of shit be as well? And after all that, the Govt is asking why we have a brain drain. I can tell you of so many genius Malaysians who have left for SG and other greener pastures. No wonder we are left with scum food like these guys. I actually feel sorry for him and his family, who will have no sense of sensitivity and good manners.

Anyway, I thought it was a great way to celebrate our independance and Malaysia Day on Sept 16 as this totally reflects what we have been saying about the state of our country. Happy Birthday Malaysia or should I say Tanah Melayu?

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