Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tanjung Tualang pics

One of my shortcomings in blogging is the lack of pictures. It's not that I don't like taking pics but it is relatively slow and difficult for me to choose which pics to upload. Anyway, I will upload some of the pics now for you to enjoy but I will also upload more pics at this site, so do check them out from time to time. http://alwynmagic.spaces.live.com/ or click at "Web Sites of Interest" down by the right column.

Here is a photo of my family.
My mom and her sisters are on the right and my wife is standing at the back. The rest are my cousins and their spouses that are my superb extended family. This is taken at our Tanjung Tualang cousin's restaurant. Really cool to have a cousin owning a restaurant.

This is the picture of the famous river prawns from Tanjung Tualang.

This is our uncle's house and the kids having a great time "plucking" rambutans with a pole. That's my son, Mikey with an extremely large construction equipment...I mean my brother, Jude and our uncle (don't know his name, he is just Piu Khau Fu) at the pole. City kids!!!

And this is my son on extreme right, daughter Amanda (Mandy), my nephews and my brother praying for some divine help for the rambutans to come down.

Another novelty for the city kids, a fully functional well in the house. During our time, there was no pump so we had to crank the bucket up and down the well and then bathe ourselves under the sky light (open roof).
From left to right my nephews Eric (doing the acrobatics pose), Baby Sean (the baby of the family), Mikey, Aaron (hidden at the back) and Brian. My other nephew Brendan was too engrossed with his PSP and could not pose for this pic.

And finally, the pic of Lucky the leg-humping dog with my cousin KLY and Mandy.

So if you intend to have good Har-Lok and fresh river prawns, head on down to my mom's hometown of Tanjung Tualang. You will see some friendly folks and ask for the family of a Malay-looking, Chinese speaking Indian. They will set you good.


Foong Yee said...

Tanjung Tualang famous with fresh water prawns. What's the restaurant name??

Alwyn said...

Dats de problem. I forgot. Some chinese name la.

Anonymous said...

WAH Finally got some colour!!! Well done bro!!

Alwyn said...

i try!