Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Mighty Thor - movie for both guys and gals

Now why do I say that? When I mentioned to my friends and colleagues that the movie Thor was opening last month, I got some very varied reactions. The guys were excited and we chatted, made plans to watch and talked a bit about the comic book. Girls though, looked at me like deers caught in headlights. No clue! Then the Chinese educated, regardless of sex, thought I was mentioning a new restaurant. I don't create the stereotypes, I just see them.

However, after the movie, I reported back to these same friends that it was very decent and indeed a lot of "plex" for the gals to enjoy. Many of them went to see it, even though they had no idea what the movie was about.

For those of you not living in a cave somewhere in Kashmir, you would know that Thor is the mythical God of Thunder in Norse mythology (Norse are referred to Scandinavians....Norway, Sweden, Denmark! A little help people). He is the son of the "Head God", Odin and one of his brothers is the God of Mischief, Loki who incidentally is the inspiration of the movie "Mask" by Jim Carrey. Look it up people!

Thor carries a hammer called Mjölnir, pronounced something like Me-ol-nay (hey I am not Scandinavian!). This is not your hardware-hammer-in-a-nail ordinary tool. This is used to level mountains and create lightning. It is one ass-kicking piece of equipment and only Thor can lift it.

Anyway, this movie talks about Thor being proclaimed as the next successor to Odin but not just there yet. He gets arrogant and cocky, blah, blah and is betrayed. He is banished to earth where he meet the beautiful mortal Natalie Portman's character. And so the race begins to save his own kingdom, earth and to reclaim his right. On the way, he learns to be humble, sacrificial, blah, have heard this all before.

Thor was a very stiff and uptight superhero in the comic books but here I guess Hollywood gave him a little bit of coolness and of course his plexs don't hurt him one bit. As usual, this is a very guy movie which means, there is action, some love interest, explosions, humour and very little logic. The guy played Thor is a new actor and he did it quite well, though risking the rain on his parade, it was not a difficult role to play.

I enjoyed it and I will recommend it to all but before you go see it, please or up about Thor first!!!

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